Town of Newbury
Board of Fire Engineers
Minutes of Meeting October 21, 2013
The meeting of the Town of Newbury Board of Fire Engineers was called to order by Chief William Pearson at 7:00 pm at the Newbury Station with the following members present: William Pearson, Douglas Janvrin, Jr., Douglas Janvrin, Sr., Justin Webb and Nate Walker.
Town Administrator Tracy Blais, Capital Planning Committee chair Bob Connors, Finance Committee Chair Frank Remely, Building Inspector Sam Joslin, Town Planner Martha Taylor, and Deputy Police Chief John Lucey were present to discuss the proposed Public Safety Building. A lengthy discussion ensued, with the end result being that as of now, further negotiations between the Town of Newbury and Protection 2 are needed before the Board of Fire Engineers would get involved. Should the building become a reality, the Fire Department section of the building would be under the control of the Board of Fire Engineers.
The proposed addition of a radio box system to the current municipal fire alarm system was discussed by Bob Connors of the Capital Planning Committee. The item will be taken off the warrant for the fall Town Meeting and a study of the entire system will be done.
Motion made by Douglas Janvrin, Sr. and 2nd by Justin Webb to accept the minutes from September 16, 2013 as read. Motion passed unanimously.
Chief Pearson states that the request to move the money in the Fire Alarm Maintenance Account from previous years into this year’s operating budget will be on the fall Town Meeting warrant.
Deputy Janvrin spoke on the changes to payroll reporting to the Town.
The recent Triton Safety Committee meeting was attended by Chief Pearson and Deputy Janvrin. Fire alarm activations during stay in place and lockdown were discussed. Both Stations are to respond in the case of a lock down in either school.
The Chief and both Deputies attended a meeting with Deputy Police Chief Lucey regarding dispatch. Updated written protocols are to be developed.
Chief Pearson states that the ISO survey will be completed and submitted.
There will be an auto extrication drill on Monday at 6:30 pm at Byfield Auto on Orchard Street.
Motion made by Justin Webb and 2nd by Nate Walker to adjourn at 21:10 hours. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas Janvrin, Jr.
Board of Fire Engineers